Halloween: most romantic time of the year!
So if I asked what the most romantic holiday is most people’s knee-jerk response would be Valentine’s Day. But seriously, it’s not even close. First and foremost, the only people who stand a chance of enjoying this holiday are in a relationship, and not a serious one. If you are single, then you try to put your happy face on and deal with the barrage of ‘so what are you doing, do you have a date lined up?’ type of questions – that is unless the chip on your shoulder has crippled you entirely or made you hostile towards all things V-Day (except chocolate because nobody can hate chocolate even in a heart-shaped box.)
The next group of haters is the established couple. This is the group that typically has one party (the guy) stressing to meet expectations which have possibly doubled every year since the wedding. That is, unless you have already hit the tipping point where both of you have surrendered to the idea that V-Day is too much expense and trouble. (I could go into the tacky gifts but I’ll save that for February.)
So let’s redirect to the most romantic, sexy holiday of the year – HALLOWEEN. Halloween is time of magic and mystery! Nobody stresses about being single, lonely or heartbroken on Halloween. There is no romantic expectation – anything romantic comes off as completely original. Roses on Halloween? You bet, wrap it in gauze and any girl will talk about it for YEARS.
Next, you can live your inner fantasy by dressing up! It can be scary, sexy or silly – and no judgement on ‘measuring up’ is ever given. Have one fabulous night outside of yourself, it’s liberating.
It’s the holiday of CREATIVITY not TRADITION. This is the one holiday with NO PRESSURE. It can be with kids or without. It can be intimate or group-oriented. Make it whatever you want! (Can you say THAT at Christmas? Your sentimental aunt will not tolerate deviation from tradition and could end up in tears over it. Trust me, I’ve seen it.)
Celebrate life through the dead. This one may not be as obvious as a teddy and flowers on V-Day, but Halloween is about celebrating life. A time when folklore tells us the veil between our world and the afterlife is thinner, when the magic and mystery of the spiritual is within our touch. Celebrating the dead by embracing life to its fullest is a win-win! So celebrate this year in any way you choose, and have FUN!