A Sweet & Spicy Holiday!
Harlequin is celebrating a “Sweet & Spicy Holiday” and I am sharing a family favorite recipe to add to the sweetness! This is my mother’s Strawberry Cake recipe, now officially passed down four generations! It’s beautiful (and delicious) so we make this not only at Christmas but also around Easter. This year, my grandson made this with me which was sweeter than the cake!
Strawberry Cake:
1 box white cake mix
3 TBSP sifted flour
1 regular pkg strawberry jello
1 C oil
1/4 C water
1/2 cup frozen strawberries, thawed and drained
4 eggs, one at a time
Mix together all ingredients except for eggs. Add one egg at a time. Beat two minutes after each addition. Pour into a greased and floured long cake pan and bake at 350 degrees, according to directions on mix box.
3/4 box powdered sugar
3/4 stick butter — bring to room temperature
1/2 cup frozen strawberries, thawed and drained
Bring butter to room temperature and blend with sugar and add strawberries. Let cake cool and cover with icing. Decorate with sprinkles or colored icing if desired. We have a Christmas tree as decoration with snow (powdered sugar) at the base and red hots on the tips of each branch for red balls. Colored green sprinkles for the Christmas tree with a gold star of sprinkles at the top. Enjoy!
Harlequin Books and I and many of my fellow authors are celebrating a Sweet and Spicy Holiday with all of our readers, December 7th-13th, bringing you recipes and goodies and a whole week of fun on Harlequin’s social media outlets. Just look for the #sweetandspicyholiday hashtag and posts from Harlequin Books on Facebook and Twitter for new recipes every day!